Welcome to Green Lotus Acupuncture
Acupuncture treatment of acute and chronic pain, depression and anxiety.
Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality that uses needles, acting through the modulation of neurotransmitters in your body. It has an important role in pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia and other pathologies.
What is Acupuncture?
To begin with, let’s understand the origin of the word acupuncture, it derives from the Latin acum, which means needle and punctum, which means prick or puncture. In Japanese, in turn, acupuncture is called Shin-Kyu and in Chinese, Zhen-Jiu.
In both languages, these two terms mean, respectively, needle and moxa, unlike the Latin translation that refers only to the needle. Therefore, acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic modality that uses needles, moxas and other instruments to stimulate the release of chemical substances in the body.
These substances have an analgesic and/or anti-inflammatory effect, so acupuncture has the ability to relieve pain and other symptoms resulting from certain diseases.
Over the years, it has been a very effective therapeutic modality in the treatment of pain. But it can also help in the treatment of several other diseases, such as:
• Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
• Respiratory diseases;
• Neurological diseases;
• Gastrointestinal diseases
In addition to treating diseases, acupuncture can also help in the treatment of obesity, depression and stress, as well as some skin conditions.
Our Treatments
Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality that uses needles, acting through the modulation of neurotransmitters. It has an important role in pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia and other pathologies.
Facial & Cosmetic Acupuncture
Facial Aesthetic Acupuncture is an application of Therapeutic Acupuncture with excellent results for both facial and body aesthetic interventions without the need for invasive treatments.
Lifestyle & Nutrition
When you become one of my private Health Coaching clients, I will work with you to create a personalised “Roadmap to Great Health”. This utilises a holistic approach that considers your life.
Tuina Medical Massage
Tuina employs a very extensive range of body work techniques to treat not only musculoskeletal, conditions but also internal complaints of the digestive, respiratory, genitor urinary systems etc.
Hot Stone Massage
The Hot Stone Massage consists of the application of heated stones along the body, triggering physiological and organic reactions that sedate or energize the physical and mental body.
Erectile Dysfunction
Let’s face it: most men have probably had trouble getting hard on occasion, but if it’s happening 50% of the time, or more often, then it may be a sign of an erectile dysfunction.
Cupping decompresses the muscle, separating skin from fascia resulting in an accelerated repair rate as improved blood circulation and lymphatic flow are brought to the local area.
Sports Treatments
Sports Medicine works with quality of life, whether for health promotion or sports performance, or for athletes and non-athletes who seek to introduce good practices and improve physical conditioning.
Medical Qigong
The practice of Qigong can have a powerful effect in many areas of your health. It can aid in strengthening the function of your internal organs, reducing stress levels and hypertension...
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