Green Lotus Acupuncture


Herniated disk concept and spine pain diagnostic as a human spinal system symbol as medical health problem and anatomy symbol with the skeletal bone structure and intervertebral discs closeup.

How Does it Work?

As in any other medical consultation, a clinical evaluation is carried out, starting with the patient’s history, which emphasises the characteristics of the pain, its location, intensity, medication in use, in addition to personal and family history to assess the person as a whole.

Then a physical exam is done. In the examination, it is important to emphasise that the patient with pain must be analysed from the perspective of several medical specialties such as neurology, orthopaedics, rheumatology and physiatrics, in addition to complementary exams. The interference of pain in the daily life of the client and its relationship with the emotional state is also analysed.

In some cases, the doctor may request laboratory tests and complementary exams such as X-ray, Ultrasonography or Magnetic Resonance to assist in diagnostic confirmation and rule out other pathologies.

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Treating the whole system.

Keep in mind: Medical care in acupuncture is not just the application of needles, it can be seen that needling therapies are just one of the stages of care.

After framing the case, the doctor will designate which acupuncture techniques will be used to treat the specific problem. If necessary, the prescription of other concomitant therapeutic resources, such as physiotherapy, exercises and medications can be performed.


After the initial consultation, the acupuncturist selects the specific and individualized points for each patient. The patient is laid down in an individual room with an adequately heated temperature.

Firstly, the skin is cleaned, then the needles are inserted at a depth that varies from 0.5 to 3 cm, being removed after approximately 30 minutes.

In addition to the application of needles, the doctor may also use other Chinese Medicine resources, such as suction cups or electroacupuncture, to optimize the results.

In general, a favourable result is expected in the first sessions. In subsequent sessions, the treatment strategy can always be re-evaluated and updated.


  • Initial Consultation £90

    1.5 - 2 hour Consultation and Treatment.

  • Follow-up Treatment £70

    Up to 1 hour Treatment Session.

  • 3 Treatments £190

    3 one hour Sessions. Save £20

  • 5 Treatments £300

    5 one hour Sessions. Save £50