Facial & Cosmetic Acupuncture
What is Facial & Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Facial Aesthetic Acupuncture is an application of Therapeutic Acupuncture with excellent results for both facial and body aesthetic interventions.
This stimulation is further intensified with electrical impulses, provoking a response from the body that can be analgesia, for example (in case of pain or anxiety), acceleration of metabolism (in case of weight loss) or a “lifting” effect.
This Lifting effect simulates the tensor effect of plastic surgery, stretching and lifting the skin, but with a discreet and natural appearance.
You can expect:
- A non-invasive approach to your skin needs
- Natural skin lift and facial rejuvenation
- Tailored treatment to your sensitive skin
- Address skin laxity and your skin hydration levels
- Focuses and addresses the relationship between your skin and your biological ageing process
- Improves your collagen production and microcirculation
- Treats your skin health concerns
- Treats all your body holistically
- Alleviate your lymphatic congestion and puffiness
The Procedure
After the initial evaluation, the treatment protocol with Facial Aesthetic Acupuncture recommends an average of 5-10 sessions, with a frequency of weekly application.
Each session lasts approximately 1 hour and a half.
Needle sensitivity is a very personal thing, but generally speaking, there is only an initial discomfort at the time of the sting, which is considered quite tolerable by people who try the therapy.
The results are so surprising that they outweigh the discomfort with advantages.
At the end of the procedure, the client’s skin is super hydrated and the duration of the effects of Aesthetic Facial Acupuncture lasts on average for 6 months (it can also vary depending on the metabolism of each person).
After the 5-10 session protocol, monthly maintenance sessions are recommended.
Facial Aesthetic Acupuncture improves oxygenation and blood circulation at the application site, leaving the skin brighter and more vibrant.
It stimulates skin support by reaching the muscles, promoting the effect of natural lifting, without causing paralysis (as can occur with Botox), keeping facial expression intact.
It can be used in specific protocols as an adjunct in the treatment of acne or excessive oiliness.
In addition, it can also enhance the action of other treatments such as, for example, Microneedling and Cellular Revitalization.
Treatment £120
Up to 1.5 hour Treatment Session.
5 Treatments £550
5 one hour Sessions. Save £50
10 Treatments £1100
10 one hour Sessions. Save £100
Combination Treatment £200
1.5 hour Session. Acupuncture combined with mesotherapy and mask.