Frequently Asked Questions
As long as it is performed by a trained profesional, acupuncture is a safe procedure with no side effects. Adverse reactions to acupuncture are generally associated with poor training of those who practice it.
Yup. Generally, we see good results from acupuncture in the medical literature and in our clinical practice for these pediatric patients, who are often restricted from the use of continuous medication due to their adverse effects. In fact, many acupuncturists are also specialists in pediatrics.
Medical studies show that when acupuncture is performed by a qualified specialist, the risk of adverse effects is much lower than that of any medication.
Studies show benefits of acupuncture in the treatment of various diseases in this population, such as asthma and bronchitis attacks, headaches and migraines, in addition to other acute pains.
Some children are afraid of needles. For these cases, we can use other Chinese medicine techniques, cupping therapy and moxibustion.
No, but it can partially improve immunity, assist in the treatment of pain, depression, emotional disorders and lack of appetite, that is, acupuncture promotes improved quality of life. In cases of patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, the effect of acupuncture in reducing nausea and vomiting is remarkable.
Currently, treatments in any medical area tend to be multidisciplinary, that is, one specialty complements another. In this context, acupuncture has its importance recognised. To illustrate, three examples are given below:
Patients with stiff neck or muscle pain can be treated with acupuncture alone with satisfactory results.
About 70% of patients with fibromyalgia, that is, chronic widespread pain, improve significantly with acupuncture. The others (30%) should complement the treatment with medication and support from Mental Health and Physical Medicine professionals. Physical conditioning is mandatory for all fibromyalgia patients.
In cases of rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus, acupuncture does not replace drug treatment, but complements it. Thus, depending on the disease, acupuncture can be a single or complementary treatment.
The acupuncture needle is one of the instruments developed by Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a therapeutic resource, in certain cases, it can be associated with other methods:
Electroacupuncture: use of electricity to stimulate acupuncture points. It is indicated to treat intense muscle tension, chronic pain or for anesthesia (hypoalgia). In general, two types of alternating stimuli are used, with a frequency of 2 Hz and 100 Hz. The first exerts a prolonged and cumulative analgesic effect, and the second, a rapid and short-lasting analgesic effect. The TENS device, used in physiotherapy, is derived from the electroacupuncture device, however the effect of the latter is better.
Suction cup: glass or plastic container similar to a cup, inside which a vacuum is produced to secure it to the surface of the body. It exerts a muscle relaxant and analgesic effect.
Moxibustion: wick of dried artemisia fibers, also in the form of a stick, which, when burned, heats the acupuncture points. It is applied to patients with chronic or weakened diseases.
These last two modalities of acupuncture can be applied without the need for a needle. They are painless.
Acupuncture has virtually no major side effects. After an acupuncture session, small bruises may appear due to skin puncture in some points, which resolve spontaneously in a few hours to days.
There may also be a little local pain after stimulation of some deeper points. The use of physical means such as a hot water bag or local ice is enough for the relief of this small pain.
Acupuncture is indicated in the treatment of various diseases or symptoms, as it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant effects, in addition to promoting immunity and acting in the rehabilitation of the sequelae of stroke. It also has a calming, mild antidepressant and healing effect, among other actions not well researched. These effects occur together or in isolation, depending on the techniques selected by the physician.
As with any other medical treatment, acupuncture can have limitations. For example, it does not treat cancer, but it can improve pain, depression, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and other discomforts caused by chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and the cancer itself. On the other hand, there are muscle injuries and headaches that can be treated by acupuncture with very satisfactory results.
For a list of conditions treatable by acupuncture, click here.
Acupuncture is an invasive treatment method that requires medical knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. Small bruises can happen after any invasive procedure, as the needles penetrate the skin and can reach small vessels.
Small bruises can be formed after a session, however, these are benign, disappearing spontaneously in a few hours or days.
In some very rare cases (less than 5% of patients, according to studies), acupuncture can cause pain, bleeding and bruising at the points on the skin where the needles enter. If you develop these symptoms, be sure to let your doctor know so they know how to avoid certain acupuncture points in the future.
Just as individuals are different from each other, so are the manifestations of diseases. Therefore, treatment must be individualized. Each case is simply a case, and according to the clinical evolution of the patient’s condition, the techniques can be differentiated.