Tuina Medical Massage
What is Tuina Medical Massage?
Tui Na or Tuina (Medical Massage), pronounced (twee na) is a Chinese Medical Massage Therapy. It employs a very extensive range of body work techniques to treat not only neuro-musculoskeletal conditions but also internal complaints of the digestive, respiratory, genitor urinary systems, etc. Part of its effectiveness is that it is used to correct vital energy imbalance along the channels that are also used in acupuncture. As a mind body therapy it is often very potent to treat psycho emotional disorders.
Tuina has a very long history believed by many scholars to be even longer than that of acupuncture. Many books on Tuina were written in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, such as Tuina Mijue (Secrets of Massotherapy) by Yao Dian in the Qing Dynasty and Tuina Zhinan (Guide Book of Massotherapy) comprising seven volumes edited by Tang Yuanrui of the Qing Dynasty. Possibly the oldest book on Massotherapy ever written is Huangdi Qibo Anmo (Massage of Huangdi and Qibo) comprising of ten volumes by an unknown author in the pre Han Dynasty. Tuina was also the foundation for many other forms of bodywork therapy for example Japanese Shiatsu (finger pressure) comes from Tuina.
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Diagnostics of Tuina.
Traditional Chinese Medicine evaluation must be carried out in conjunction with orthopedic examination to discern underlying patterns. Emotional state makes a greater contribution to musculoskeletal disorder than is often appreciated for example liver qi stagnation. Also enquiry about exposure to wind, cold or damp pathogenic factors is necessary.
A thorough history must always be taken, enquiry when the condition began, the nature of pain i.e. dull aching, sharp, throbbing burning etc, has the pain moved or changed since onset. Range of movement (ROM) must be made of all joints, starting with active movements (those the patient makes unaided), then passive movements (those aided by the therapist).
Tui Na is on the cusp of becoming very popular in the UK for all manner of ailments from Pain, Sports Injuries and Muscular-Skeletal problems to Chronic issues which the Western Medical System just doesn’t have an explanation for.
Despite a Tui Na treatment looking very similar to those of an Osteopath or a Chiropractor, Tui Na is a much older therapy which, as with Acupuncture, utilises Chinese Medicine Theory and to our knowledge is the only form of Massage which truly does.
This is what sets Tui Na apart from other forms of Bodywork, using Chinese Medicine Theory alongside the specific techniques of Tui Na is where long term results can be achieved and are very often produced quicker than with other modalities.
Consultation £80
1 - 1.5 hour Consultation and Treatment.
Follow-up Treatment £50
Up to 30 minutes Treatment Session.
3 Treatments £140
3 thirty minute Sessions. Save £10
5 Treatments £230
5 thirty minute Sessions. Save £20
10 Treatments £450
10 thirty minute Sessions. Save £50